economic growth 查询结果如下:



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We actually started the reform in 1980…In 1984 the focus shifted to urban areas. The years from 1984 to 1988 witnessed comparatively rapid economic growth .


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The development and further opening of the Pudong New Area has produced a positive influence on economic growth .


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Last year, the economy grew by 8.8 percent and retail prices rose by 0.8 percent. This favorable situation featuring a high economic growth rate with low inflation has not been witnessed for many years.


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It was precisely because we had carried out the reform and the open policy, which have promoted economic growth and raised living standards.


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If China wants to withstand the pressure of hegemonism and power politics and to uphold the socialist system, it is crucial for us to achieve rapid economic growth and to carry out our development strategy.


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Economic growth , unity of all ethnic groups, social stability, coordinated development of various regions, and realization of the ultimate goal of common wealth


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Assisted by the State and supported by other regions, ethnic minority areas witnessed acceleration in economic growth through their own efforts and hard work.


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Actively cultivate new points of economic growth


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to boost domestic demand, promote sustained national economic growth and bring about coordinated development of regional economies for eventual common prosperity


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The crucial factor is economic growth , which will be reflected in a gradual rise in living standards.


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Only by unswervingly adhering to the policy of opening up and reform, can we ensure sustained economic growth


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Only by maintaining rapid economic growth on the basis of better performance, can we mitigate the operating problems plaguing our enterprises, lighten unemployment pressure, promote strategic restructuring of the economy…


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No matter how the international situation changes, so long as we can ensure appropriate economic growth , we shall stand firm as Mount Tai.


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,---not only in terms of economic growth , But also in terms of improved public order and general social conduct---that is, we should surpass them in both material and cultural progress.


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appropriate speed for economic growth


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economic growth at an appropriate speed


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theory of the stages of economic growth


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transmission of economic growth


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new period of vigorous economic growth


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Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to International Economic Cooperation, in Particular to the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development in the Developing Countries


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Declaration on International Economic Cooperation,in particular the Revitilization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries


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Algiers Colloquium on the Impact of the Recent Evolution of East/West Relations on the Growth of the World Economy,in particular on the Economic Growth and Dev’t of the DCs,as well as on International Economic Cooperation


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Middle East/North Africa Economic Conference-Creating a new private/public partnership for trade and economic growth beyond the year 2000


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According to its newest estimates, the rate of economic growth of industrialized countries this year will be 3.9% and next year it will be 3.6%


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Our present task is to accelerate economic growth .


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The nation’s economic growth is yoked to that of its neighbors.


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A stable government is essential to economic growth .


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The taxcut did not have any noticeable effect on economic growth .


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The long-term outlook for economic growth .


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This nation is noted for its rapid economic growth .


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Set a torrid pace;torrid economic growth .


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The technology bred of science has catalyzed stupendous economic growth (Nature)


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A political movement beginning in the1960’s that blends traditional liberal concerns for social justice with an emphasis on economic growth .


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Two months ago,when reporters asked Mr.Clinton to define his foreign policy priorities,he ticked off an ambitious list:a multi-year plan for a defense budget,reducing nuclear weapons,ending the proliferation of biological and chemical weapons,continuing the Middle East peace process,strengthening global economic growth .


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It is hoped that the tax cuts will act as a stimulant to further economic growth


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Since the current Panamanian government took office in 1999, the economic growth rate in panama has been declining every year. From 1998 to 2001, the growth rate was 4.2%, 3.2%, 2.7% and 0.3% respectively


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The plenum held that it is imperative to realize economic growth and overall social progress in a bid to promote socialist modernization


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The plenum noted that economic growth and restructuring must rely on scientific and technological innovation


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Expanding and fostering domestic demand to ensure relatively rapid economic growth


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The joint development of diverse forms of ownership has played an important role in promoting economic growth , satisfying people’s varied consumption demands and increasing employment opportunities


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While voice has been given to the opinion that small enterprises are the new forces of economic growth , scaled operation of big corporations will constantly face new difficulties


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Asked how the government can promote the economic growth , the treasure secretary said: "The important thing is we will not squander and will not require the American people to turn in more taxes."


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It argues that some dissolution of traditionalism was necessary for economic growth to be sustained over a long period of time


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China follows an approach of coordinating national defense building and economic development, striving for a high cost-effectiveness and promoting defense and military modernization on the basis of economic growth


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The leaders held face-to-face dialogues with those attending the APEC CEO Summit and listened to the latter’s suggestions on promoting regional economic growth


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The amount of physical input into our real GDP, measured in bulk or weight, has contributed only modestly to economic growth since the turn of the century


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The effect of the adjustment is to limit economic growth in the offending region


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In Latin America, population growth is already threatening to outpace economic growth


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While heralding micro satellites as a revolution in aerospace, Chinese experts said China had treated the development of super small satellites as an important way to serve economic growth and benefit mankind by using space technologies


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backwash effects are said to operate where the economic growth in one region of an economy has economic adverse effects on the growth of other regions


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1. Noun. Steady growth in the productive capacity of the economy (and so a growth of national income).

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